2 powerloggers 2 cars 1 computer


New Member
Aug 26, 2001
I have a powerlogger on my TTA, and just bought another one for my GN. Can I just plug my lap top into the new PL and have it work, or do I have to set up another PL on the lap top. If I have the set up a second PL on the lap top, what is involved? TIA
Depends on the chip in each car. If you have an SD2 chip you probably can't. You might have a problem with with some of the other chips with wide band inputs too. If you have a basic chip you can get by with one PLC setup.
It will work fine, but I recommend you configure it to keep things separate between the 2 cars.

make 2 powerlogger folders, name one PL-TTA and one PL_GN (or whatever). then create shortcuts to the PLC program in each folder, then drag the shortcuts to the desktop. This way the separate setups can have their own PLC.ini file and you can make changes to one without affecting the other.
