2 Buick get-togethers coming up soon

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
We have 2 Buick get-togethers coming up soon, as follows;
The Cerritos get-together: The following is a copy of an E-mail sent to me from Doug Frasure, prez of the So Cal Gran Sports regarding the event, and an E-mail that he received regarding the event:
OK, we’re on for Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 @ 9:00 AM
Cerritos Pontiac BUICK GMC Hummer
10901 East 183rd Street
Cerritos, CA 90703
Tel: 562-733-3800
Fax: 562-733-3805
Russ Roshandel, Sales Manager
Email: rroshandel@unitedauto.com
Hope this works
Hello SOCAL GS Club and Buick Owners
Just a reminder that on Nov 18th the All Buick Car Show will be in Cerrittos, Ca. This will be the 1st year we are there, The dealership will have a BBQ like Westminster Buick did for us these past 6 years, I will be bringing Homemade chili, and if someone else does we should do good in that area. For those who want to bring a side dish, something to drink( water, Gatorade, soda), bag of chips & dip, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, vegetable snacks, sliced onions, sliced tomatoes, lettuce, etc, Please send me an e-mail so i can coordinate all of the items being brought and coordinate from that list, Since we have no idea as to the amount of business this dealer does on the weekend we should being enough to feed 6-8 people.
Below is the e-mail i have received from club member John Dyke, He has done a great job of setting this up for us all to enjoy, So please bring your Buick regardless of condition, and tell your friends to stop by.
Please do not hesitate to e-mail me or call me. Cell (619) 517-7270
R/ Doug
I stopped by there on my way home today.
Russ said that they are BBQing burger & hot dogs on Sat. & Sun.
I suggest we bring side dishes & soft drinks.
They will have a room available for us for a meeting if we like.
The BBQ starts at 12 noon and the meeting room is in the back
Where The Hummer showroom is. We could park our cars there
While we have our meeting and watch our own cars.
Ok, next coming up after that is Bob's & Kevin's show in Signal hill at Bob's Paint shop: It has been rescheduled and is now set for Sat., 9th Dec.,
Here is the link to sign up, for those who haven't done so yet.
Bob & Kevin need a 20 car minimum sign up to make their event happen. So far they have about 12 cars or so signed up. Please keep in mind that free Buick and/or turbo brick get-togethers that offer free food & soft drink and good company, and nice cars, are few and far between.
If you go to either one or both of these shows please express your gratitude to the hosts for having and sponsoring the Buicks, so that their efforts do not go un-noticed nor un-appreciated. just a thought.
For the dealer show: Doug Frasure & John of the So Cal Gran Sports have always invited us to the dealer and other shows and get-togethers that they attend or are aware of. And, the Sales Manager of the dealership, Russ Roshandel. Without Russ Roshandel, Doug Frasure, &/or John these events would not happen, nor would we be made aware of nor invited to. Steve Hurst of the BGNRA also lets everybody know about the dealer show and has a show every year at Bates Nut farm.
For the Bob & Kevin Paint shop event: Bob, his paint & body shop, & Kevin are the peeps that make this event/get-together happen.
Hoping to see everybody at 1 or both shows. I should be at both.
This is a copy of an e-mail that I just received from Doug Frazure:
Hello SOCAL GS Club members and Friends.

Just a reminder that next Saturday is the SOCAL GS Club All Buick show at the new location in Cerritos to replace the Westminster Buick Show. The dealership opens at 9 am and if we start to show up at 08:30 it will make it easier to get a good parking spot.

ALL Buick Car Show
November 18, 2006
9:00 AM Start,
Cerritos Pontiac BUICK GMC Hummer
10901 East 183rd Street, Cerritos, CA 90703

Dealership will BBQ Burgers and Dogs, We bring side dishes.

Following contributions are known:

Larry Minery (Orange County BCA) Potato Salad.

Steve Hurst (BGNRA) Individual Chips Bag.

Alan & Angela Roidriguez Home made Salsa & Chips.

Doug Frasure Home made Chili.

If you are going to attend please let me know by a quick e-mail response, and if you will be bringing anything, it can be store bought or home made, goal is to get as many Buicks as possible regardless if the Buick is a show car, race car, Daily driver, WIP, Buick w/ coporate engine, etc.

And please tell other Buick owners you know in other clubs.

There will also be a club meeting there to discuss the club or lack of a club next year.

If you want you can call me at (619) 517-7270

Very Respectfully

Doug Frasure
I will talk to Nory and see if we can come up with some type of dish to bring up, those chilli dogs and burgers get old after a while ;). count on us to be there.