1LE Brake Kits for sale


New Member
Dec 19, 2002
Hi all, the following is off a little website I made, but since geocities isn't the best I copied it and put it on here just incase, as i say on the site i haven't gotten prices set exactly but the first 2 kits are going for 600, but I will stand by my word and not go over 650 after the first 2. I have enough parts to get 2 kits together and I got deal with some of the parts thats why they are alittle cheaper. I have looked around and the cheapest kit I have found was $720, if anyone finds a kit cheaper let me know. I'm also going to be offering suspension packages, a/c block off plates and other fabricated pieces along with engine parts as i get them. Theres an email to contact me at the bottom of the page. website is www.geocities.com/kcgbp2004

I'm currently offering the popular 1LE 12" brake upgrade but with many options and at a very resonable price.

The base 1LE kit contains: UB Machine control arms, B-body spindles and calipers that have been sandblasted and por 15 coated, new 12" rotors and pads, bearings, seals, hardware, and used mastercylinder off a b-body. As an estimate for board members to show that I have the best priced kits I'm going to say that the base kits will sell for no more then $650

Upgrades available are: Hotchkis control arms, powdercoated spindles and calipers, drilled rotors and high performance pads, and new master cylinders and brand new calipers. Each will consist an additional fee but I don't have the prices at this time.

If you are interested in this kit I will have 2 kits ready by Feb. 22

If anyone is interested I will need a $50 deposit and the first 2 kits will sell for $600 each.

If your interested email me at
