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  1. XLR8ER


    Rob, It was great to see you Sunday at Caffeine & Octane... Glad to see you're back with the Buick crowd ! Mike Z
  2. XLR8ER

    five cars trucks and trailers stolen in bowling green!

    Dec Update ??? Can somebody give us a December update... Did anybody get arrested from the Michigan found car(s) Were there actually only 2 cars stolen instead of 5 from GS Nationals ? We are all waiting for some Good News! Thx !
  3. XLR8ER

    five cars trucks and trailers stolen in bowling green!

    Can somebody give us an update... Were there actually only 2 cars stolen instead of 5 from BG ? Has one (or both) been located in Michigan and has it been returned to the owner ? We are all waiting for some Good News!
  4. XLR8ER

    parting out 86 regal limited

    Parting Out Limited What color is the Interior ? Can you send any pictures of Door Panels and Driver's seat? Thx!
  5. XLR8ER

    Kenne-Bell intercooler/ramair scoop

    I had a full length Kenne Bell air dam on my car in the 80s. Can you send a picture or 2 to show the condition of yours ? Thx !
  6. XLR8ER

    24 Hour Special Sale! Hurry

    Coil Pack Sale Couldn't get it online... but the young lady was very helpful and courteous on the phone. Thank you !
  7. XLR8ER

    The Biggest Giveaway Ever- Christmas 07 Mega Charity Drive! ToyForTots!

    First Entry :cool: Count me In !
  8. XLR8ER

    Bigger Oil Filter adapter ?

    Missing Oil Filter Adapter I am still in need of an oil filter adapter... I did not hear back from anybody ? Help.
  9. XLR8ER

    Bigger Oil Filter adapter ?

    I got my engine back from the machine shop but the engine oil filter adapter is missing. Is there anybody that bought the bigger filter adapter... that has their old factory filter adapter part laying around? I live near Atlanta, GA. Thanks in advance !
  10. XLR8ER

    Reccommend an exhaust?

    Hooker Exhaust System from Summit Racing is the way to go. 2.5 inch mandrell bent for $300 delivered to your door... and it bolts right up!
  11. XLR8ER

    Left over GN parts

    stock crank pulley Is this the whole assembly that bolts straight onto the crankshaft; including the part that passes through the crank sensor ? The Interuptor ring on mine is bent... so I need one with a good interuptor ring. Thank you.
  12. XLR8ER

    Digital dash

    I agree... It decreases the value. My car came with it from the factory... it is so useless that I changed over to the GNX style dash with gauges. It is like trying to sell a house with a swimming pool... the pool cost more to install, but most folks are not willing to pay extra for a house...
  13. XLR8ER

    Crank Sensor vs Interuptor Ring

    I bought a used GN engine. After a complete rebuild I have discovered the interuptor ring is slightly bent... which scraps the crank sensor. Can this ring be removed (and replaced) from the harmonic balancer ? If not, is there a way to straighten it out so it will not rub the crank sensor ...
  14. XLR8ER

    87 T-Type Parts for sale

    Coil Pack & Module Sent you a PM on Monday, Do you still have them... I didn't hear back from you ?
  15. XLR8ER


    New Exhaust System I just ordered & installed the Hooker System from Summit. $310 Delivered to my door and everything fit great ! Same product that Postons and Kirbans sell only cheaper. I am quite pleased with it.
  16. XLR8ER

    Applied Technologies ATR ????

    And to Answer your question... No ATR closed up and has filed Bankruptcy. Hopefully they will get their financials in order, and re-open next year.
  17. XLR8ER

    ATR Out of Business?

    ATR Exhaust I got an email from them last week saying they were re-organizing but they still had 2.5" Stainless Exhaust systems for GNs in stock. I tried to order one the next morning... but have never heard anything back ? I just gave up and ordered one from Summit. I'm afraid they're gone.
  18. XLR8ER

    parting out 87 regal limited grey

    Limited Door Panels ? If you still have the gray door Panels ? Please send pics of them Thank you, mz
  19. XLR8ER

    Thdp Gasket Who Makes/stocks Them

    THDP Gasket ? I just clean both surfaces, put some anti-sieze on the bolts and tighten it down. Never had a problem. I don't know why an ATR down pipe would be any different.