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  1. M

    My GN and me in Pontiac Enthusiast

    I found out that I'm in Pontiac Enthusiast (should hit stores this weekend) this issue with my model GN. We were rained out our first race day at INTENSE Drag Day in September, so to pass time I bought a GN model to put together. Apparently the photographer that was there thought fit to put a...
  2. M

    Anyone live in/near Wichita, KS?

    I will probably be movin' out there this spring/summer to open up an office. If anyone could point me in the direction of some good neighborhoods to live in/get office space in, area tracks, etc. I would greatly appreciate it! Better go buy me soom ruby slippers:p
  3. M

    Dynoed the GTP last night

    Wow, this gives me even more incentive to save up for a TB. I was the first FWD to be dynoed at Amazon Racing by Rick Erdman. I was on the Mustang Dynomometer so add 20% to get the normally used dynojet numbers. Now to the disappointing stuff: 208.7WHP@6000RPM 216.9 lbs. ft torque @...
  4. M

    Hey Sooners' fans!

    How 'bout a double or nothin' for this weekend?:D I should be in OK (Sulphur to be exact) by no later than next February to collect my winnings!
  5. M

    What would you guys do?

    I moved to Maryland back in April and got my drivers license and tried to get my car registered right away so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Well, I didn't realize all the BS I had to go through to register here and when I finally did I ended up failing safety inspections. After trying to...
  6. M

    There's gotta be somethin' wrong

    After I got my 13.4 run on Tuesday I gassed up and left for home from Ohio. I noticed my information center said I had 620 miles left on my tank of gas and looked at my MPG. I was getting 38.5MPG!:eek: I'm still getting 30MPG and my car has NEVER gotten that great of gas mileage. Heck, who...
  7. M

    How 'bout them Longhorns!

    What a great game last night, huh?!:D
  8. M

    Anyone up for Cecil County on 4/4?

    I'm planning on heading out there that afternoon sometime, just wondering if anyone else was itchin' to go to the track:) A buddy of mine is planning on takin' his Lightning out there for the first time that day and it'll be the first time I've taken my car to the track since last October...
  9. M

    Who else has a loved one overseas?

    A very good friend of mine left at the end of February and I miss him terribly. I worry about him constantly, but at the same time am SO very proud of him. Anyone else have someone abroad? God Bless the 104th Fighter Wing and all other troops fighting for our country! ~Mandi
  10. M

    Anyone in Maryland?

    Just curious. I'm moving to Hunt Valley (just North of Baltimore) in a couple weeks and was wondering what tracks people go to around there. I'd love to see some of you guys run! I've only seen ONE GN at the track and he wasn't even around to talk to. Never did get to see him run either...
  11. M

    Does my boost seem way low??

    I'm only running about 8psi with the following mods: SLP loud mouth cat-back, INTENSE gen 1 rockers (1.9), 3.4" s/c pulley, Thrasher CAI, Jacobs Ultra coils, Taylor 8mm wires and AutoLite plugs. I thought I should be getting more than 8psi with those mods, or does that sound about right?