Recent content by willsdsm

  1. W

    the I miss ACME Fri video post thread

    just wonderd who else doesn't feel right without it. 1.willsdsm
  2. W

    Another new GNX story

    looks like ass, I'd vever buy one
  3. W

    Watch an Acura NSX transform to F50

    more weight with less motor :rolleyes: plus the back rnd looks like ****. after the time is counted I bet he could have just bought an F50
  4. W

    2wd eagle tsi talon

    your luck I have to change the plugs in my 92 every time I change the oil, but I have mine tuned to run pig rich. I love my awd and DSMs are great cars if you keep up withthe mantance, alot of people bad mouth them because they buy them and they break down , but what do you expect from cars...
  5. W

    Tough new street racing law

    am I the only one who noticed she called the IROC a Mustang? thats a ****ed up thing to do to some ones car.
  6. W

    the cat came back

    Its one of my buddies, the auction is more of a joke than any thing. we just want to see if anyone will pay for an old pancake. so if you can think of a funny/odd question send it to him hell add it to his questions list.
  7. W

    the cat came back the napster cat pancake is back on Ebay again
  8. W

    silly ebay
  9. W

    Preview the 4th Turbo Buick Video...

    when the song comes to the part where they say it all comes apart, instead of the singes you need a clip of a wreck or engine explosion. that would fit the song better
  10. W

    Labonte Edition???????

    ok there is a guy selling a 1987 Grand nat "Labonte Edition" locally and I have no Idea what the "Labonte Edition" is anyone ever heard of it?
  11. W

    NEWBE question.

    thats a good Idea, I'm not 100% sure I'll get a turbo Buick yett. All I know is, its time to move from the DSMs. They have gotten so cheap that all the ricer teeagers can afford them, and there ruining there image. So I'm moving on to a car with an older owner base, somthing like a Turbo...
  12. W

    NEWBE question.

    thanks guys
  13. W

    NEWBE question.

    I just stared looking to buy a GN or type-T and was wondering if there is a FAQ page on these cars? If not is there a site with info on the diffrent years and the changes made each year? thanks for helping a newbe out I searched but I didn't find much.