Recent content by purple97

  1. P

    stil waiting

    Well back in October of 2006 a guy hit and totalled my GTO so i was making plans to buy a Turbo Buick, however i had to wait because it was taking so long. Well the attorney finally says we are going to trial in November, so maybe i will be able to buy a TB from one of you sometime this year...
  2. P

    good news kinda

    Well so much for the good news we met with Farmers and they offered$12,000 and my attorney said we will see you in court, aparantly the adjuster said my scars were not worth anymore than that, unfortunately it looks like it will be September before we can get a court date, well i hoe everyone...
  3. P

    good news kinda

    Well my case of where the guy hit me head on and totalled my GTO might end soon. Tomorrow me and my lawyer are meeting with Farmers lawyers and a mediator and it appears he had a $20,000 limit on his policy. So after everything is said and done i will be looking at 7 to 8 thousand, so i...
  4. P

    1 year already

    Well i finally got the entry sent on sunday i even prayed before i sealed it to try and change my luck, last week i got with my lawyer and asked about my case, since i am not working right now because of my back, i reinjured it at work and was supposed to get some injections to try and get the...
  5. P

    1 year already

    Well i got my entry back in the mail apparantly i was in such a rush to send it in i kinda forgot to put a stamp on it.:frown:
  6. P

    The Biggest Giveaway Ever- Christmas 07 Mega Charity Drive! ToyForTots!

    Sent in my first also, thanks.
  7. P

    1 year already

    I just sent my entry for the giveaway, my luck is bound to change, i am still having problems with my back because of the accident, if i remember i heard the officer say it was like 80 Gs or so at a a combined 90 mph, that sudden stop plays havoc with the body, anyway in 2 weeks i hav eto go in...
  8. P

    1 year already

    Thanks TexasT, yeqh i healed pretty good got 3 permenant scars one on my head, one on my right leg and one on my left arm, the biggest injury was to my lower back which bothers me to this day. As a matter of fact i had to go last week for some trigger point injections for it and it was not a...
  9. P

    1 year already

    Well guys and gals yesterday was the one year anniversary of the day the guy fell asleep and hit me head on at a combined 90 mph and i am still waiting on my personal injury settlement, which i hate becuse i had some nice GNs i wanted to buy but i had to wait for this to play out, so to all whow...
  10. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    i know what you mean i just got out of a cast i had on for almost 2 months for a broken heel bone i broke while playing softball, and my leg was pale and skinny compared to the other.
  11. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    thank you southerncal and wow broke are you ok now and did everything come out allright, i think i would have been yelling at the top of my lungs for some pain meds
  12. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    no no no they paid off the car what we are going through now is the personnal injury which include over 6,000 in lost wages, because of 2 months missed plus bill not payed by my health insurance and all the p/t which was a month and a half plus the scars and how much it would cost to fix them.
  13. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    here is a pic of my gto
  14. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    I hope that is the case Gary i am ready to sit behind the wheel of a GN and stop drooling over you alls cars, i already had the wheels and tires i was gonna get and everything, oh well good things come to those who wait i guess, i will join you guys sooner or later.
  15. P

    Farmers insurance blows

    No i am not happy with what they are offering, and my lawyer is the one telling we need to go to litigation.