I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Twitter removed Powell and Flynn as well
I see that Powell is getting sued for billions, by Dominion.
I think I'd look twice, before doing that.....The discovery phase of a suit, could prove to be a disaster, for the Dominion bunch.
1. Inspection of the machines.
2. Look at where the votes were actually tallied/manipulated.
3. Hundreds/thousands of depositions taken.
4. Counter suits up the gazoo.
5. Swing state politicians dragged into the daylight.
If this ever sees a courtroom, the protest in DC, will be a Sunday school meeting, compared to what this would be.
I'm betting Flynn is far from walking away, too. I can see lots of civil suits, against a multitude of swamp dwellers.
Carter Page is already working the lawsuit process.
Add in the possibility that Trump will declassify 1000's of pages of documents, hand out pardons, this next week, and this could be another huge explosion!
I see that Powell is getting sued for billions, by Dominion.
I think I'd look twice, before doing that.....The discovery phase of a suit, could prove to be a disaster, for the Dominion bunch.
1. Inspection of the machines.
2. Look at where the votes were actually tallied/manipulated.
3. Hundreds/thousands of depositions taken.
4. Counter suits up the gazoo.
5. Swing state politicians dragged into the daylight.
If this ever sees a courtroom, the protest in DC, will be a Sunday school meeting, compared to what this would be.
I'm betting Flynn is far from walking away, too. I can see lots of civil suits, against a multitude of swamp dwellers.
Carter Page is already working the lawsuit process.
Add in the possibility that Trump will declassify 1000's of pages of documents, hand out pardons, this next week, and this could be another huge explosion!
The Deep State told Dominion to do it for 'optics'. Oh...and Trump...isn't going anywhere.
I heard you then. My eyes have been open since the mid 1990s when I joined the workforce.
Hopefully, there'll be a Stuxnet variant unleashed on these sm sites. BOOM!
They'll be spending their time trying to recover, and less time fuking with the 1A.
I have never been on any of that type media. Don't plan on it, either.
I grew up without cell fones, computers, smart tv's, Alexa, and a host of other unnecessary bullshit.
I don't consider myself as being deprived of any such technology. We did just fine, with the party line fone, b&w tv,
bow tie antennas, a mom that stayed home, Cardinal baseball, and apple pie!;)
I warned you guys about the censorship that was going on over the last couple of months on Youtube, but no one took me seriously. Welcome to socialism/communism.
"All talk and no action" Lindsay wants to repeal 230. It needs to happen, but the EO should take care of it.
Twitter and Facebook have a legal team so they must understand the EO. Banning Trump and promoting election fraud is in essence saying: "Try me"