I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Vatican involved.
I suspected that all along.

Exactly, look at all the stuff that's come out of the vatican with this crazy ass pope they have now. Lots of people in the hiarchy there are fighting him for going totally against doctrine. Jmho but think he is the false prophet that leads the way for the anti-christ.

They got their orders from the deep state. These bastards must be shitting their pants and know something wicked this way comes for them. You can be sure that suckerberg and that freak from twitter will be arrested and all their assets taken as stated in President Trump's executive order. I sure hope they take video of Seal Team 6 breaking down piglosi's door, the look on that old wrinkled leather face will be priceless.
"Leftists are demanding that cable and satellite providers remove conservative media like Newsmax, Real America's Voice, One Americe News and yes... EVEN FOX from their lineup. If something isn't done now, it will go over the cliff. Republican donors and people who are registered Republican are going to be doxed. An airline union is already pushing for everyone who can be identified as only ATTENDING the Capital Rally to be banned from flying.

It's here."
I copied this from something I read. Quite interesting and the direction we’re headed. Im thankful we have someone like Trump to stand up to these thugs. The rush into the capital is just a small taste of what the American patriots can do when pushed too far. Keep fighting Donnie....

Free speech, forget that. Socialist authority means control of any dissent against it. It is ironic that the very people demanding a turn to socialism will become its own victim. As much as they use our First Amendment to foster socialism, free speech is the first freedom that is lost because socialist regimes cannot allow a disobedient populace to rise up against its authority. After the loss of free speech, so goes other freedoms such as the ability to defend yourself, or own a gun, practice a religion, or assemble a protest. The loss of the pursuit of happiness, and ultimately the loss of our Constitutional government and freedom itself all become the rewards of socialism.
President Reagan once said that democracy is only one generation away from extinction if we do not uphold our Constitution and our way of life that made America the greatest economic and freedom loving nation on Earth. Today, it could be as close as the 2020 election.
Apple is threatening to ban Parler from it's Apple Store. Big Tech is shutting down all Conservative speech.
George Carlin was dead-on, with his comments.
Every shithole country on this planet, is governed with the same ideology, that Carlin spoke of. {Think of just 1 that isn't?}
The USA just happens to be a little later, to the "party".
As this shit gets worse, I imagine the dark web will see an influx of new users.
If the "insurrection" gets to the breaking point, we could see the web, as we know it, shut down.
A bit of history:
Nikita Khrushchev Predicted 'We Will Take America Without Firing A Shot' (historyaddicted.com)