BP Oil Video live feed.....

I'll go out on a limb here and say they DID have a plan. 3 blowout prevention devices. You can't plan for everything. Crap happens and you do your best to deal with it.
I'll go out on a limb here and say they DID have a plan. 3 blowout prevention devices. You can't plan for everything. Crap happens and you do your best to deal with it.

Ok, they had a plan, why did they ignore the fact that the fail safes were coming up out of the hole (rubber chunks) and said.... Oh what the hell keep on going full speed ahead:rolleyes:
i'm not going to pass judgement one way or the other about how this has been handled until they get things under control and we start to hear about the realities of what can go wrong and how they go wrong. they had several layers of failsafes- and they all failed. technology has a funny way of doing that. you can only plan so far ahead and only for so many different failure modes. this might have been outside the scope of anything they've ever seen before and thought could happen, or the odds of the particular chain of events that led to this happening were so infinitesimally small that it wasn't worth worrying about.
right now, i just want them to get this thing shut off. there will be plenty of time for finger pointing and monday morning quarterbacking later.
Ok, they had a plan, why did they ignore the fact that the fail safes were coming up out of the hole (rubber chunks) and said.... Oh what the hell keep on going full speed ahead:rolleyes:

The problem is that you are getting information about a very complicated situation from the media who does not have a clue.

This thing was the result of a number of little things... each and of themselves no big deal... tragically lining up just exactly right to create a catastrophe. It would be like if you threw a rod and oiled down your rear tires just as you were going around a corner just as a semi was coming the other way.

BP... every oil company... is all about safety. Do you honestly think they would put a $100 million investment at risk by cutting corners to save a few dollars?

Every contingency plan of every oil company assumes the rig will be there. If the rig burns down you're just completely fukked. I suppose now everyone will be required to have a "what if the rig burns down" plan, but that's going to be about as useful as you having a "what if an asteroid hits my house" plan.

Oh... and anyone who wants to get on the "shut down big oil" bandwagon because of this, when gasoline is $10 and we are held hostage by the middle east and Venezuela it'll be too late to rethink your position.
Mike Williams, Chief Electronics Technician.

Unless a persons title includes the word "engineer" they know about as much about it as the car stereo install guy at Best Buy knows about tuning your Buick.
Actually, that's what I do for a living... and my job title includes the word "engineer". ;)
Actually, that's what I do for a living... and my job title includes the word "engineer". ;)

Ok so why didnt the "engineer" plan for a entire cotastrophe:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Call me simple minded but that might have been a good idea......;)
and we are held hostage by the middle east and Venezuela it'll be too late to rethink your position.

And while Venezuela Horizontal drills all the way up to the Florida coastline

I think it was once Prophetized (sp?) that the Sea's would die before the end?.... good way to kill stuff..spew oil
Ty he will prolly say the same thing... blob is correct in his analogy

Actually my statement is true,,,, Blob will probably want me to post his name and credentials in a Public Forum;):rolleyes:

I remember he was the reason I had Shane make it so I cannot see the PV forum anymore as well......
Well I dont know anything about any of all that.. er whatever it was, So if its just a pissing contest between you two then have at it:cool:

No No the Political views forum,,,,,,, I had Shane block all that crap so I dont have to see all the mindless babble:rolleyes:
No No the Political views forum,,,,,,, I had Shane block all that crap so I dont have to see all the mindless babble:rolleyes:

Ok but he was thoughtfull in his analogy... go back and read it.. just put your hand over his name..lol

You have a backup plan for (A
A backup plan (B for (A
As well as a plan (C for Plan (B
Last, you have a plan (D for Plan C

But what if (D Fails first then something happends to (B then while trying to correct (B with (C... Then (A gives out leaving you with nothing but (A

(A=A big Problem

Its kinda like a Sudoku puzzle.. looks easy
Ok but he was thoughtfull in his analogy... go back and read it.. just put your hand over his name..lol

You have a backup plan for (A
A backup plan (B for (A
As well as a plan (C for Plan (B
Last, you have a plan (D for Plan C

But what if (D Fails first then something happends to (B then while trying to correct (B with (C... Then (A gives out leaving you with nothing but (A

(A=A big Problem

Its kinda like a Sudoku puzzle.. looks easy

LOL, Probably stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night as well:p
Reminds of a what a guy who studies airplane crashed once told me. He said in most instances it's a bad decision followed by another and another.